Monday, October 21, 2019

The IoT Revolution

According to IoT Analytics, it was estimated that there will be over 22 Billion connected devices in the world by 2022, with over 7 Billion of these “internet of things” (IoT) devices. The IoT is the collection of those various sensors, devices, and other technologies that aren’t meant to directly interact with consumers, like phones or computers. Rather, IoT devices help provide information, control, and analytics to connect a world of hardware devices to each other and the greater internet. With the advent of cheap sensors and low cost connectivity, IoT devices are proliferating.

Who should attend IoT training?

IT/IS Executives & Managers, Project Managers, Technology Planners, Consultants & System Integrators, IT Technical Services Specialists, IT Architects, Business Process Owners, Risk Management Employees, Cloud Operations Engineers, Senior Cloud Operations Engineers, Business / Data Analysts, Operations Research Analysts.

What is normally covered?    

  • Introduction to the core concepts of IoT, role and scope of smart sensors for insuring convergence of technologies and multidisciplinary engineering practices, wireless sensor networks, machine learning/data analytics and cloud computing;
  • Understand the IoT Open innovation platform, and hardware platforms and operating systems commonly used in IoT systems;
  • Understand big data predictive analytics and transformation from IT to IoT;
  • Gain an awareness of IoT security and opportunities.

What do you think the future of IoT is? Get your answers at our Certified Internet of Things Specialist training program!